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Hi, my name is Troy,

and I want to encourage you!

You're Never Too Old!

Most of you guys out there are pretty young and are venturing out into the tech world at a great time in your life, seeing a bright future for yourself in the coding/developer world. I think you've made a great decision. BUT - there are some of you, like me, who are not so young, and see this experience as overwhelming! I understand that, because I am right there with you! But, hold on to your skivvies!

If you take the time to read the advice that others have given on this webpage, you'll begin to believe that you CAN do it! In fact, stretching our mental skills will keep us young (ok...maybe younger?!) and growing creatively and analytically.

Commitment is the Key.

You and I know that it won't happen overnight. In fact, there will be days when we'll just be staring at our monitors, thinking, "What am I doing??" Hang in there, my fellow-gray-hairs! One day we'll be plowing through this, and suddenly we'll say, "Wowza! I get it!" That happened to me years ago when studying calculus. One day it just came together and made sense. So, I know it will happen in this venture as well.

We can't give up. And we can't give in.

I love what Jim Rohn said, "Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going."

Let's keep pressing in until we hone our gifts and talents, and become skilled web designers and developers!