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Advice from Tanya

Make and Break things

Get out of tutorial purgatory and make your own pages, design something you are passionate about. Find a friend who wants a quirky website about her furry pet or a family member who wants to build their business. Get out there and make your own pages. Mess up, fix it, and be stronger because of it.

Find a website you like or dislike and change it. See how it works. Make it different. Try crazy new features just to see how it works.

You are good enough

Do not let imposter syndrome stop you. Everyone had to start somewhere and once you can showcase your skills, that will be enough.

It isn't all about memorizing. (This was a hard one for me!) So what if you have to keep looking things up and can't remember what that attribute is or how this code works. Google is your best friend. There is a reason those answers are there, because someone else needed to know how to do it also.

Do not quit

Find a mentor. Someone who, like you, loves to learn and wants to help others on their journey to become a fantastic developer.

This journey can be frustrating and hard, but keep chugging along. Take a breath and keep going. It will get easier.