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Hi, my name is Symara and I'm a developer. I have some advice for ME, but maybe it applys to YOU!


If there’s any bit of advice that I would give myself, it would be to RELAX! That goes hand in hand with letting go of control. Its very characteristic of me to want to FIX every challenge that comes my way, and sometimes this manifests as me obsessively pounding away at a problem without stopping to assess what is actually wrong. Accepting and making peace with not knowing sounds like a very spiritual concept but I think I think its very relevant to my journey to becoming a great developer. When you realize your not getting anywhere after multiple attempts, and often times, using the same strategy, go take a walk, go reach out to someone, or if possible, work around the probblem

Focus on peice of the puzzle at a time.

Challenges are always going to arise when coding; there’s always going to be something new to learn and/or a new problem to troubleshoot. As I’ve heard repeated time and time again, and perhaps bears repeating here, try to break down your challenges into their smallest possible parts, until they seems manageable, and then focus on that one manageable part, take a breath, and move to the next part

LISTEN and try not to get too ahead of yourself.

Often times, a multitude of questions will arise as I’m going through one of my lessons and I want to jump right on slack and begin asking away, but what I’ve noticed, is that sometimes, I’m just getting too ahead of myself and the answers are just a lesson away. Often, answers will also reveal themselves if I simply focus on the task in front of me, go slowly, and read carefully. In order to ask relevant questions you need to know something about what it is your asking. Sometimes I find that I just simply don’t know enough to ask the right question, and if I relax and allow myself to be receptive to the information in front of me I will learn exactly what I need to learn. Sometimes you need to suspend questioning in order to allow yourself to be taught