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Hi my name is Susan and I have
some advice for you!

You Are Going to be Tested

When you have a goal, life will sometimes get in the way of reaching that goal. DO NOT let it stop you. You must press on. Goals aren't hard to accomplish if you go about them the right way. Yes, life is tough right now. You're not feeling well, or your bank account is low. Believe me, I can relate. My goals serve as my hope for a better future, and nothing good comes easy.

Goals Aren't Scary if You Know How to Handle Them

Break it down into smaller goals. Write them down on your To Do List. Are you going to code that page today? How many Skillcrush lessons will you go through today? Maybe all you have time for is to change a font. What will you do this week, or today? Stick to the schedule and turn off the TV. You can always catch that episode later online. What's more important - the episode, or your happiness? Tell people about your goal. Ask them to hold you to it.

Be Realistic

Don't let your dreams be bigger than your abilities. You'll only set yourself up to fail. Not everyone can be a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates and that's okay. Be awesome in your own way.

Take a Break

I LOVE to code and I used to have this tendancy to try to get as much done in one sitting as I possibly could. I would get myself so worked up if I couldn't understand something and I was too proud to ask for help. Don't worry about it. Ask for help. It's there for you. If you don't finish that day, it's alright. Rome wasn't built in a day. Use the extra time to read or cook something you've never made before. Besides, you could be in danger of burning yourself out and that's not good when you're working toward a goal. Just relax and breathe. You'll get it done.

Frustration is Normal

Frustration is your friend. It means you're on the cusp of understanding. Work through it. Make mistakes. Experiment. Ask questions. It's not your computer's fault, so please don't take it out on your faithful laptop. It's there to help you create and sometimes, mistakes can turn into miracles.