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Hi my name is Snow and I have some advice for you!

1. I know you see the big picture, but how about the little ones?

If you're an eager and avid learner like I am, you probably are excited about what you can do by the time you've finished learning.

But, how many times have you found yourself frustrated because you're not where you want to be? When limiting yourself with a timeframe, you limit your ability to fully learn and intake information because you get caught up on the thought of "finishing on time."

As a newbie to technology and coding, I've constantly had to remind myself that "slow and steady wins the race." Although you may have this big end-goal in mind, it's best to remind yourself that you are learning a new language and it takes time.

So yes - have a big goal, but also have little ones, too. My advice to my fellow newbies is to be patient. Soak in all the information while you're learning, so you can go on and be the badass techie that you are!

2. Don't be afraid to
walk away

You aren't conjoined to your coding. When something doesn't work and you've been eyeballing it for the past 3 days with no progress? Walk away.

Get some air. Let your mind rest and recover from an intense problem solving sesh.

I can't tell you how many times taking a breather, or working on something different, allowed my brain to get back on track or even find a new way to solve a problem.

No one said you weren't allowed to walk away. Just be sure to come back. :)