Sean R. Advice for Procrastinator's

Keep Pushing Through and Practice.....Don't stop!

Since I started this program I noticed how procrastination creeps in and can take a strangle hold on tring to learn something new.

In the beginning everything is shiny and new. You get in a groove and the first few lessons fly by.

Then life throws you a few roadblocks. So you decide to take a day or 2 off from learning. Tomorrow turns into the day after and then the day after that. Before you know it 2 months have gone by since you last looked at one of your lessons.

Don't fall into this trap. No matter what happens make the time to learn. If you don't you will perpetually be relearning your basics over and over again.

Try and find someone to practice with. A friend, coworker, or even someone in the skillcrush slack channel. Also, there are meetup groups and developer communities that support this as well. This is a great way to get involved in a new community and a great way to meet other beginner's like yourself.

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