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Hi, my name is Scott Underwood and I have some advice for you!

I’d like to start out by saying I’m very much a newbie myself. The advice I have isn’t based off of decades of experience, it’s all simply things that have helped me out so far along my tech journey. I’ve played sports all my life, needed a better career during the off-season, and came across a Skillcrush article about creative and fulfilling jobs in tech. Now here we are!

First- just start. Do anything. Do something. Certain projects can be daunting and/or you may not be sure how to go about tackling them, and for me that causes me to procrastinate and put them off till later. What I’ve found is that even if I don’t know where to start, just the act of starting somewhere causes things to happen. Doing anything I can, no matter how small the first steps, puts things in motion. Answers start coming, confusion clears up, and you gain traction quicker than you thought, even if you really know what direction to go in the first place.

Second- have fun with it. This seems cliché, but too often I’ll look at projects on the list to complete and I’ll rush through to try to finish as fast as I can in order to move on. This is not conducive to neat, organized, quality work. What works way better for me is if I keep it all in perspective and have fun with the fact that through these course and projects I’m learning a skill that’s incredibly valuable and that allows me to express creativity I didn’t even know I had. The quality of my work improves and ironically I get done faster. I hope this helps, good luck!