Important Things You May Never Need to Know

What can I say that has not been said before? I think therefore I am Yes I'm deep like that. Is there more where that came from? My friend, the pool is deep!

  1. Keep your head down and walk quickly!
  2. Keep your head up, look ahead.
  3. Whatever you do, don't look behind! Wait, unless you hear a creepy noise outside, and despite being nervous and alone you ignore all normal instincts and make like a horror movie chick and go out to investigate even though your dog is barking at you as a warning. Then you hear the back door close behind you and you realize you locked it earlier and now you are screwed. Then you can look back. Cause that will give the creeper the opportunity he was looking for to sneak up on you. When will those horror movie chicks learn?
  4. Smooth seas do not a skilled sailor make.
  5. It's the journey
  6. It's the destination
  7. People learning to code should probably not give advice because they get a bit punchy not being sure which copy of a copy of cloned repo branch they are in at any given time and they ramble throughout their html