Robert Pannell

Hello there! I am Robert, as stated above, and I just wanted to share some brief advice with you. Coding is a challenging career to try to get started in, but I am discovering that there is such a vast amount of information available that practically anybody can learn that wants to take the time! Is that you?!

Getting Started

If you are anything like me then the hardest part of doing anything is getting myself motivated to do it. Coding has been no different. Some evenings the last thing that I want to do is sit down and study how to code anything. The struggle is real. This, however, is something that can be overcome. Having a specific time every day that I do my coding practice really helps me to get myself going every evening. Maybe it would help motivate you as well to know exactly what time of day you are you going to dedicate to your study.

"It's the Start that Stops most people"
--Don Shula

Bottom Line

What I have found to be the most important things for learning to code is just being willing to show up and do the work. If you can make yourself do the studying and practicing every day then there is no way that you won't improve. Determination can be the make or break for any new skill, but I know that if we have made it this far then we can definitely make it to our goals. Set a schedule, do the work, get your goals! We got this!

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work"
--Colin Powell