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Hi friend! My name is Ria and I have some advice for you!

Be consistent and create a routine

When learning a new skill, it is important to get practice. Putting a routine into place will help to ensure you are prioritizing your lessons and projects as well as making time to practice your new skills.

Knowing you have a set time to do XYZ will help keep you on track even when life gets in the way.

Routine and consistent practice, lay the foundation for good habits to be built now and as you begin your career after your course is completed.

Don't be afraid to ask for help . . . again.

Remember this is all new. After all, if you knew everything about coding you wouldn't be here. If you get stuck or are just not sure what to do ask for help.

We all started somewhere and this is part of the learning process. This is a naturally collaborative field so be sure to, well, collaborate.

When you've gotten help on that piece of code, but it still isnt working right. Ask for help again, we are better together.