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Hi my name is Reb and I have some advice for you!

You are technical! I LOVE pizza.

Being "technical" is something you have to work at, everyday. Little learning spurts here and there quickly add up to make you a master at whatever coding language you prefer. You've gotta start somewhere. Think of where you will be in a year if you start RIGHT NOW:) Remember: BABY STEPS!

Find Your Nerd Tribe

Trust me, you don't want (nor have) to go this alone. Google local coding Meetups, search for tech groups in your area, or start your own! We all need a little help from our friends from time to time. Finding a community of like-minded folks will help you stay motivated and discover new tricks of the trade. In no time, I bet you will have peeps messaging you, sending you coding gifs, and begging you to host a coder pot-luck. Snacks + code = FUN!