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Hi my name is Rebecca and I have some advice for you!

If it angers you, put it down.

Sometimes we get stuck. In the worst of times, this can end up turning into a whirlwind of frustration that ultimately ends up in rage. When you recognize this happening (preferably before the rage part) just stop. Drink some tea. Watch some Netflix. Dance without music. Blow a conch shell. Whatever you choose to do, take a break. It relaxes the mind and allows it to sort things out in the background. I mean, even Sherlock Holmes took breaks. Be like Holmes.

sherlock holmes

Never lose sight of what matters.

garden gate

When learning something new, we sometimes feel intimidated by just how far we have to go before we "make it." Whatever that means. It feels unattainable. When that happens, ask yourself why you decided to learn in the first place. Is that still your goal? Why or why not? What matters now?

Once you have those answers, look at what you've done so far. Not what you still have to do, but what you've already accomplished. You'll realize that you've come a lot farther than you think you have.

Dream, and dream big.

Nothing is ever accomplished without the decision to go farther than you ever had before. Nothing is gained without a little risk. Imagine who you want to be, what you want to do... and do it. Even if it takes weeks, months, years! Just do it.

And now I sound like I'm selling shoes...

It's a great slogan, though, because going for that dream, taking the risks, and exerting the extra effort is what gives us the energy to finally make that dream come true.

yellow sign that says just do it