Rahinahs advice for newbies
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Hi,my name is Rahinah and I have some advice for you!


When you are new to programming you easily get frustrated and overwhelmed. It just a normal thing which every newbie must face. It's kind of difficult and challenging, the bottom line is dont give up.Remeber,the darkest part of te night is close to dawn


Interract with people. Coding could be daunting especially when you are alone and have to send lut message before getting help. Do it ,it is part of learning and it keeps you on track.


Be dedicated and do it with intrest. Running away from the material does no good,ofcourse a little pause is good to ease the tension

Seek help

Stick with all he help resources you get from the course. Every resource recommended er valuable make the best of them ranging from :

  • skillcrush-student.slack.com
  • w3schools
  • developer mozilla.org
  • live classes

finally,remember,you are smart,great and can do it. we all can code.no one was born with it