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Hi! My name is Natalie Chang and I have some advice for you!

Honor Yourself

And on the opposite side of the Integrity Spectrum...


Maybe "cheat" is not the right word. I recommend "borrowing" from as many sources as you can find that help you with your challenges. Copy and paste links, look at examples of designs and styles you like, analyze source codes as powerful resources.

Google Is Your Best Friend

Often times, I would find any excuse to not finish a lesson or module because I felt lost and did not know how to take the first step in figuring out the answer. Then I figured that using Google as a first step could only bring me answers or pathways to get to the answer. The first step is always the hardest. And luckily, Google is a convenient resource that will guide you through your challenges.

Be relentless With Your Breaks

Give yourself the gift of time. Take frequent breaks; they are necessary. Frustration is inevitable, and you deserve to take a step back and breathe.

You are enough!

Put Yourself Out There!

It's never too early (even if you feel like a complete novice) to begin your networking objectives. I was so anxious and nervous about my first meet-up with a techie group in my community because I thought they would laugh at me for my complete lack of tech knowledge. My first experience turned out to be absolutely wonderful! Now I make it a point to go to at least one networking event or meeting per month. I've already met several fellow bootcampers who recently finished with their course AND have found a job in their new career path! Talk about some serious motivation when I see others succeeding at the very objective that has brought a lot of anxiety and doubt in making the plunge to switch careers.