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Hi my name is Marlon and I have some advice for you!

It's Normal to be Frustrated

In learning something new, it's never new to be frustrated. Being frustrated only means you are committed into learning and changing for the better. The most important thing is to not let this frustration be a reason to stop you from pursuing what you want.

Soon, you'll see that this frustration is what drove you to learn and be better at what you do. No matter how small or slow the progress is, always remember that the most important thing is that you are getting to where you want to be.

Haste Makes Waste

When you want to change your life for the better, for whatever reason you may have, it's easy to get blinded by that reason that you sometimes forget that you are here to learn, earning will come later. With that being said, do not be in such a hurry to finish every lesson. Make sure you understand something first before moving on to the next one. The lessons are arranged in order so that by the end of the course, we will have a firm grasp on the concepts and show it through application.

When we are in a hurry, we fail to see and understand the importance of each lessons.

Enjoy the journey towards a better future. That way, not only will we enjoy the future awaiting us but we also did enjoy the road getting there.