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Hi my name is Mirela and I have some advice for you!

Be grateful when you're stuck! It means a new oportunity for growth has just come your way!

The amount of information received can be overwelming at first, especially for someone who has never done any programming before! It is important to digest all that information at your own pace, in your own way. And when it's time for practice, do not dispair when you get stuck. It's just part of the proccess. It will get easier :)

Harvest a love for the code.

Whether you are learning to code for a career change or gain new skills, try as much as possible to look at it as your new baby. Make space in your life for coding and not just code when you have some spare time. This is a baby that needs a lot of feeding and love in order to be able to turn into a great "person" one day.

Learn by stealing

Go onto your favourite website, research the best developers out there and look into their work. Look out for tricks and new things you can learn from them. Read as much code as you can, known or unknown, to expand your coding "vocabulary".