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Hey Friend,
My name is Meredith and I just want share,
I am already so proud of you and your journey.

"Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming..."-Dory, Finding Nemo

Whenever you learn something new or change, it will have its set of challenges. There will be growing and learning pains.

But you also have to remember there will be joys and you have to put those in your pockets and save them for later. Remind yourself of those joys.

Imposter syndrom will try and sneak in - Do not give up!

You already know more than you did yesterday. You know more than the average joe out there. Remember, you have already hacked Adele's twitter at this stage. How many people can say that?

Keep on pushing yourself. Do not be afraid to redo lessons. Do not be afraid to ask questions and keep trying. But also take a break to step away. Refresh and crack on again!

Remember, we are not only learning an entire new language, but we are also learning a whole new way how to operate in the data world. (Feeling like you are in the Matrix yet?)

You are amazing. Keep on going friend!