Hi, my name is Maura
and I have some advice for you...

Don't Go It

Find yourself a buddy or two, or even better - a whole group of badass Skillcrushers! It took me a few tries, but I found my people. We live all over the US, but meet on our own Slack channel every day, and regularly on Zoom in real time - to support, vent, and code! So reach out. Make yourself known. Find your badass partners in crime.

Play Outside of Skillcrush

As a newbie, I was nervous, but I started attending tech events near me: Meetups, WordCamp, happy hours...I didn't think I had anything to offer these groups, but people seem to find my newbie status relatable, even charming. Everyone's been in these shoes, and people love to help. So wear that newbie heart on your sleeve and get out there!

Life Transition?
Hang in There!

It seems like a common thread among Skillcrushers. Keep following this path you're on. If you're going through a divorce in particular, I see you. I heart you. I'm sending you good energy. It's difficult for sure, but we'll come out stronger on the other side. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here: maura [@] mauramcgurk.com.

xoxo, Maura