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New to coding? Me too!

I recommend the following tips to ensure a smooth(ish) introduction:

Manage Your Mind

Learning a new skill can be overwhelming! You might feel like you've just crashed your ship into an iceberg... and you there's no telling how deep it goes. Take a breath. Those thoughts swimming around in your brain? The ones that say "You're in over your head. Coding is hard. You're not cut out for this." Those are just thoughts. They're not "real" or "true". You made them up, and they're not helpful. Try replacing those thoughts with something more productive, like "I have learned new skills before. I have accomplished a great deal in my lifetime. I am excited to give this a try." Your thoughts may control your feelings, but you control your thoughts! Redesign the thoughts you have surrounding this exciting new endeavour to set a foundation for success.

Find Your Pace

It takes time to retain new information. Make sure you feel completely confident about what you've learned before moving on to the next lesson. This isn't a race, it is a marathon! Rushing ahead will only slow you down in the long run, as this material builds upon itself. Aim to understand well, not quickly. However long it takes is how long it takes. Try to let go of any self-imposed deadlines.

Celebrate Accomplishments

Did you just sign up for Skillcrush? Accomplishment! Finished your first lesson? Accomplishment! Set up a killer work station? Heck yes! Accomplishment! Now go reward yourself! Positively reinforce progress by rewarding yourself generously and often. It makes coding more fun that it ALREADY IS and increases the likelihood that you'll keep going. And that's all that matters.

So go on! Get back to work! You have wicked cool things to make and dreams to bring to fruition. Lean on your support system in times of need, then keep moving forward!