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Hi my name is Kaylen and I have some advice for you!

Trust the Process.

When you first start coding, you're going to feel overwhelmed by all the information, all the languages, all the things. Everyone experiences this and gets through it. Take it step by step, and remind yourself that it's a journey, a process.

You have to trust that the more you practice, the better you'll become.

Put in the time.

The only way to reach your goal, to be a great coder is to...CODE!

You just have to CODE.

And over time, as you learn and practice, it will become more and more familiar and natural.

There will be times that you truly feel dumb or like you'll never "get it". We've all been there.

Really! We have!

Just keep your eye on the prize, keep writing and re-writing code, keep solving problems.

And above all, trust the process.