Hi, my name is Kerry

and I have some advice for you!

Small Failures Coupled with a Little Digging Can Lead to Big Gains

"What am I doing wrong!?" That question comes up a lot for me :). I've found that taking the time to figure things out on my own (if at all possible) by doing a little research has been a great way to solidify my knowledge and boost my confidence. There are so many coding resources available! Yeah - getting stuck may feel frustrating, uncomfortable and downright lonely at times but when you keep plugging away until you figure it out, the feeling is oh so sweet!

Outside of your comfort zone? Not born with a natural talent for tech? Yeah, maybe techy stuff is new to your wheelhouse like it is to mine but I believe effort trumps talent. So I try to stick with it! But I also allow myself to ask for help when I really need it (also outside my comfort zone) because it's not just me... we all need help sometimes.

If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again

This old saying couldn't be more apropos for me as I am learning to code. Practicing is the only way to carve out those lasting neural pathways. And speaking of practice, I've found that practicing my lessons first thing in the morning is the best time of day for me to learn. That's when my brain really clicks. Cortisol and coffee, woohoo!

What about you? Morning person? Night owl? I've found that I can focus better in the morning because there are less distractions... oh the peace and quiet! I get up an hour (or more) earlier every day - before the "morning rush" of kids, showers, breakfast and school buses. But caution: I've learned (the hard way) that I have to set a timer while I work because I've been known to get so wrapped up in coding that I forget to wake the kids! :-))

Bottom line: We can do this!