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Hi! My name is Julieth and I have some thoughts to share with you...

"Strive For Progress Not Perfection"

Confusion: Friend or Foe?

When you start programming your first web app you are doing something that you have never done before. It's a new challenge, a new opportunity. This is when confusion can become a friend that guides you or the foe that makes you quit.

Everytime I got stuck during my skillcrush experience, I knew I was in total charge of how I wanted my journey to go. Did I want to continue fighting with the confusion of a brand new lesson I did not understand or did I use my confusion to my advantage knowing I would eventually understand the new concept and make it throught the other side? I chose the latter.

Believe in Yourself!

When you are learning a new technology you go through an uncomfortable phase where you know that the code you are looking at is working, but you don't really understand how exactly is happening.

This is a normal part of the process of learning a new technology and it's a critical part of the process.