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Hi! My name is Helena
and I have some advice for you!

Do your best, consistently.

I am a single mother of two girls and work a 5-hour part-time, which is quite far from our home. This means I do not have as much time as I would like to dedicate to my studies. However, I try to not beat myself for that and just try do fit in all I can on any given day. Most days, I go to work earlier, bring my computer and manage to fit in one hour of studying before I start. Other days, all I can do is 15 minutes before one of the kids needs my attention. Others, I just do not manage.

In any case, I do not give up and when those thoughts show up, I just say "I am going through with this, no matter what you say!". And I do. Slowly, but consistently.

Look at what others are doing.

I am not suggestig you look at others to compare yourself. But I found it very useful to look at other people's websites and try to reproduce the same thing on my end.

Sometimes I just go through their code to see how they did things. Other times I try to re-create their page without looking at their code and then compare both to see how me did things differently (or not).