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Hi, I'm goonietunes and I have some advice for you!

I don't think I've been doing this long enough to be able to spout advice at people, but I can share some thoughts and feelings I've had over the past few weeks that have kept me going.

Coding is a skill, not a person

Anyone can learn to code if they want to, at any point in their life. It's not an exclusive, super secret society. If you have the desire and put in the effort, you can learn to code no matter who you are or how you look.

It's OK to NOT know something

No one knows everything. Knowledge bases (and the web for that matter) exist for this very reason. Not knowing or understanding something does not make you unworthy. It's an opportunity to learn something new, exercise curiosity, and practice critical thinking.

Seek out other online resources

While the Skillcrush course material is well paced, clear, and engaging, seeking out other online resources can be very beneficial. For instance, reading about the same concept written in different ways can help solidify your understanding of the subject.