Gabucino's Advice for Anyone Who Just Wants To Be Better

Don't compare yourself to others!

There will always be people who are better, than you in some things. Also, there will be people who know less then you. Learn from the better and help the ones who need it. Never stop learning.

Break it up!

It is great if you have a dream, but the path there might be long. Break it up into smaller pieces, so you can benefit from the smaller achievements. Even the longest journey starts with a single step forward.

Don't push it!

When you feel too tired and overwhelmed, when you can't seem to figure out what is wrong with your code, take a break! Go for a run, spend time with your dog or watch a movie. Sometimes you need to take a step back to see the whole picture.

Love what you do!

There is no other way around it. You need to love what you do in order to get through the challanging parts. Surround yourself with it: read books, watch movies about the topics you are learning. This way, you can become an expert while having fun. And when you realise you are an expert, I promise it will make you feel proud.