Hi my name is Elizabeth and I have some advice for you!

Do What What You Gotta Do!

I knew when I first saw Skillcrush that I had to learn coding. I needed out of my old life and the only one who was going to take me there was myself.

I didn't know anything about coding. And I can't say I know much now. But I am determined. You gotta do what you gotta do. No matter the cost or the time.

It's your life and no one is going to care what you do with it as much as you do. Do you care? I hope you do. That's what this course has taught me.

Right now, these things you're stumbling over will become second nature and you can fly through it. It's your growing phase right now. And one day you will stand tall and proud with the knowledge that you've learned. Because you did what you had to do.

So go out there and make mistakes. I'm right there with you. All of us on these advice pages were--and more will come. Because we care to do what must be done.