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Hi my name is Dalia and I have some advice for you!

Break things to make things

If you need to take a break because things just aren't working or you're just not understanding it, go back to where you last felt you understood and change one thing at a time until things fall into place.

Reward Yourself

If you work best with a goal, give yourself a reward goal. Maybe it's not looking at another lesson for three days! But I personally like to know that not only did I finish what I told myself I was gonna do, but I got a bonus at the end as well.

Everyone else is making it up, too

If you ever feel inadequate, just remember that every other programmer is constantly learning new technologies and languages and frameworks and everyone has a weak spot. There's no such thing as an expert programmer that knows it all on a master level. So, Google is your friend, as well as StackOverflow and GitHub. Plus, you will always have the Skillcrush community, too! Aren't we lucky. ;)