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Hi my name is Cristy and I have some advice for you!

Go easy on yourself!

Once you learn a few HTML tags and Git commands, it's easy to focus on how much more you need to learn. You might even compare yourself to people who have a lot more experience.

It's ok to be exactly where you are! Try to keep in mind how far you've come! Just a few weeks ago, you didn't know anything about HTML, CSS, or Git. And now here you are, giving advice to others. :)

Celebrate the small wins

Learning to code is a BIG DEAL. Celebrate every step of the way, even if it seems super small.

Remembered what to write in the head section of your HTML without looking? Get yourself a cupcake! Got your images to appear? Pet a kitten! Successfully forked and cloned a repo? Throw yourself a PARTAY and invite me!