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Hi my name is Carla and I have some advice for you!

Keep your mind in shape and don't forget your body

Learning something new is always overwhelming- And if you plan to dedicate yourself fully to it, you should be ready for confusion, insecurities, feeling lost, feeling like you can't do it, and definitely bad days will come.

Be ready for those bad days by feeling confortable with your body and your health. Get an exercise routine, get tired phisically, because you will be exhausted mentally for sure.

When in doubt, carry on

Trust me, there will be days where you will doubt yourself, others around you, the process, your decisions and a million other things. Remember that your decision to enter this was made in a safe, secure space. And that there's a team around you.

Remember that you are the one who is responsible for you. For your decisions. And that you know what's best. And you chose to go through this path. You thought it through.

So take it easy, relax, stop for a minute, or half an hour. And carry on with your journey. Take the next class. Do the next exercise. In the end things will fall into place, even if you can't see it yet.

Like Steve Jobs said, "You have to believe that the dots will somehow connect in your future.